Sunday, April 26, 2009

No More Puppies ?!?!?

I almost forgot the biggest news of the weekend: the last pasta pup FINALLY got adopted this weekend. My older son started crying when he heard that she wasn't coming back again for another week. That's definitely the hardest part of fostering: seeing your fosters leave for their new homes.

Oh well, a few hours later, there was an e-mail from someone in our rescue group, asking us if we were interested in another litter, as they're on the way to pick up a mom and her three puppies. Stay tuned - we haven't decided yet.

Weekend Recap

We survived our first alpaca show. Sweet Caroline got a ribbon. (Don't get too excited - she was 6th out of 6). However, we heard a lot of good comments about her, and are hoping her fiber will get even better after she is shorn in a few weeks. It was a really nice show, too, and we enjoyed a lot of foot traffic being on the main floor. Our other alpaca that went to the show, Hula Honey, got the gate (no ribbon - there were more than 6 alpacas in her class). I have to tell you folks, there is some stiff competition out there and we need to make careful breeding decisions.

We met some really fun people at the show too. It's been a year that we've been in the business, and still no regrets.

The boys, Bam Bam and Titanium, also did the Breakfast on the Farm at the UW. I think they enjoyed themselves, but they did start to get a little annoyed after the third hour. We sold a lot of socks and a scarf, and gave away a lot of magnets, so it was a good outing for us too.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's GMAF Time!

The Offbeat Acres alpacas will be out and about this weekend. On Friday morning, Titanium and Bam Bam will appear on the Channel 3 morning show, promoting the Great Midwest Alpaca Fest. We're showing Caroline and Hula at the show this weekend too.

Stop by and visit us! We're in stall 537, right inside the North Entrance on the main floor. You may even get a lovely parting gift!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Farewell, Chewy

My dog died today. I am very sad.

Chewy has been part of my family for the past 12 1/2 years. I got him when he was 9 weeks old. I was just 23 myself, fresh out of college and living completely on my own for the first time.

Chewy was with me through my first marriage and divorce. I wanted him to be the ring bearer at my first wedding, and my ex mother-in-law nixed the idea. Maybe that should have been a clue?

Chewy was with me during my single years, when I was all alone here on the farm. His big, booming bark made me feel better, especially when I heard strange noises at night.

Chewy WAS in my second wedding. I did it right the second time around.

Chewy was with we when I had my own kids, and handled them with grace.

Chewy was the dog that made me like dogs. I've always been a cat person, but his quiet dignity and loyalty won me over. Wherever I went in the house, Chewy was there. When I was cooking, he camped out under the kitchen table. In the living room, he had a special place right behind my chair. At night, he slept right next to my bed.

Chewy even got me out of a speeding ticket, once. I was going 23 mph over the speed limit (I know better now). It was summer, and the windows were down. The cop approached my car with a stern look on his face. He saw Chewy's snout sticking out the back window and got a big smile on his face. The next thing I know, the cop is petting my dog. Done - no ticket for me! :)

Chewy was NOT the perfect dog, though. He had a stubborn streak a mile wide. When he wanted to lay outside in the sun, there was nothing you could do or say to make him come. He'd take a number and get back to you, eventually. He also had allergies that are all too common with golden retrievers, and would lose most of the fur on his underside every summer. I had to buy a new vaccuum every few years, just to keep up with the shedding.

I am grateful that I've been able to spend this time with him. He would have been 13 on July 24, which is old for a golden. We were fortunate that he was active and happy, up until the end. Last weekend, he went running with me. Two days ago, he was out laying in the sun (again) while my boys climbed their first trees. My youngest made me take a picture of Chewy. Had I known it would be his last, I would have done a better job. Life is cruel sometimes, I guess.

Yesterday morning, he didn't get up with me. For a dog that usually follows me around the house (and down to the barn), that was unusual. He missed the morning run yesterday too. The boys and I ran errands, and when we got home in the afternoon, Chewy was laying on the kitchen floor with his hind legs out straight. Something definitely wasn't right. A few hours later, he couldn't walk anymore.

My husband and I talked about taking him to the emergency clinic, but decided against it. Chewy didn't seem to be in any pain, so we decided to wait for our vet on Monday. We covered him with blankets, gave him water, and carried him outside every few hours.

Chewy died in his sleep during the night. We buried him out back, next to the fields where he used to run. I'll always remember his smile, and the dog that made me a dog person too. I love you Chewy, and I'll never forget you.

My dog died today. I am very sad.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Alpacas On Parade!

Next weekend, April 25th and 26th, is a big weekend for Offbeat Acres. We'll be showing animals at our very first alpaca show, the Great Midwest Alpaca Fest. Caroline and Hula will be there, and we're hoping they do well.

On Sunday, the 26th, Titanium and Bam Bam (the Clowns) will be at the UW, for the Wisconsin Women in Agriculture Breakfast on the Farm. They'll be part of the petting zoo / animal display.

Both events are in Madison. Click on the links above for more information. My husband or I should be at both events, so stop by and say hi. We'll even give you a special gift from Offbeat Acres!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I Spoke Too Soon

A few posts ago, I was celebrating because all the puppies were gone. We dropped off the last two puppies on Saturday at 10 a.m., and said our good-byes. My husband cleaned up their pen and took down the gate. At 2 p.m., we got a phone call. One of the puppies was stood up by potential adopters. Did we want to keep fostering her?

Well...since there's only one puppy left, she's living in the house now. It's been three more weeks, and still, no one has adopted her. We're really surprised, since she's a very sweet, very calm girl (especially for a puppy), and gets along well with kids and cats alike. She's also got superpowers, from hanging out with her buddy Spiderman all day long.

Seriously, folks, if any of you are thinking of getting a puppy, this is one nice dog. She is part pit bull (mom was a pit mix, dad was some type of shepherd), and she has terrible puppy gas (we're talking paint peeling), but that's about it. She's even crate trained already (but not housebroken)! And no, I'm not keeping her - that would put us at FIVE dogs, which is getting ridiculous!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We're on the web

Check out our website:!

It's pretty stylized, because my husband is an illustrator. And yes, it's still a work in progress. You're getting a sneak peak. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's April

Spring is here.....and soon, our fruit trees will be too!

We've ordered another 20 trees, including peaches, plums, apples, pears and paw paws. Hey, a place called Offbeat Acres really needs paw paw trees, doesn't it? (The fruit tastes like banana custard, but apparently, the flowers smell like rotting flesh in the spring).

We're also getting another 50 raspberry plants, and some blackberries too. On one hand, I'm really looking forward to seeing all my new nursery stock. On the other hand, it's going to be a lot of work.

Hey, if you're free, we'll always take volunteers! We may even send you home with some alpaca beans for your flower beds!