Saturday, February 20, 2010

The glamorous life of alpacas

Ah, the glamorous alpaca life. This afternoon, I was sitting in my pasture, feeding treats to my girls. It was lovely. Little Felicja and Roni were smelling my hair, and Sabetha was being really sweet. Meridian was even taking treats. And then - the spitting began. I got it on my hair, face, hand, even eyes, and... it ...was the stinky, half chewed food kind of spit too. Gross.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February's To-do List

Ugh. I'm tired of winter, but am tired of being cooped up in the house. Here's what we have to do this month:

-Taxes. Done. Yuck, but not so yucky (there is one advantage to the farm....)
-Shots. On the 14th. Yes, that's right: Valentine's Day in the barn, with a bunch of syringes and a bottle of Dectomax. How romantic.
-Halter training. Our first show of the year is in mid March. We're doing okay.
-Plan for spring planting. We have to replenish the raspberries, at least. Not sure what else we're doing this year.
-Do the budget for the year. See item #1. Tax refund = farm budget.
-Work on promo materials for Lord Muireach. We've got his breedings discounted at $500 for the first ten. He's a beautiful boy, with an interesting heritage.

Ugh. That's enough of a list. Next month, we'll also have show prep! So much for our winter lull!