Saturday, December 20, 2008

Time Flies

I can't believe it's been TWO months since I've posted. Since the weather's gotten cold, we're spending a lot more time indoors, away from the animals so there aren't as many stories to tell. Here's what you've missed:

We took Bam Bam's cast off last Saturday. Hey, it was the vet's idea, and saved us a house call! He is doing better than we hoped. He walks with a slight limp, once in a while, and is definitely putting weight on the bad leg when he stands. We're hoping the leg muscles will re-gain strength and the limp will disappear.

Our alpacas do NOT like winter. They spend most of their time huddled up in the barn. Today, I realized who's in charge: I was out shoveling a path in the alpaca pasture, watching my alpacas and their thick coats of fiber frolic in the newly cleared snow. I'm working, you're playing??

Our Pyr, on the other hand, seems to love the snow. She sleeps in the deep, fresh, piles. She's also started bringing all of the alpaca feed buckets outside with her. Think she wants the company?

Alpaca socks are just about the best thing ever. Really! They're warm, soft, and just make your feet feel good on these cold winter nights. (And, we're just about sold out....)

We ARE sold out of yarn. There's a little bit of roving left, but all in all, I think this was a successful year.

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