Friday, January 30, 2009


We decided to keep Periwinkle. She is such a sweet dog, and fits in with the family very well. Plus, our other house dogs are 13 and 10 years old, and aren't keeping up with me when I'm out in the woods snowshoeing. There are plenty of coyote, deer, turkeys, etc, out there (and we're really far from the house), so I like having a dog with me.

We were feeling a little guilty because adopting Peri meant we wouldn't foster again for a while. (There are 3 dogs living in our house now, and ONE more was just too much). Well....when our rescue group found out we had a farm.....and barn.....and insulated garage, one of the volunteers asked if we would be willing to take in a mama dog and puppies, if there was a need. Um, okay??

Flash forward a few weeks, and a mama dog and her ten puppies were found in an abandoned building in Milwaukee. "They don't have much time", according to an e-mail we got. I don't know exactly what that means, but I assumed it wasn't good. Needless to say, we are now fostering 11 more dogs. They live in the garage with a space heater and lots of blankets, and the group provides crates, pens, food, and medicine, so it's no big deal. We just have to feed them and socialize them until they're old enough to be adopted. Sure, we don't have room for ONE more foster dog, but we can find room for ELEVEN? You probably think we're nuts, but it's been really fun. (The picture is the calm before the storm, when they were waking up. A few minutes later, their pen was a chaotic pile of puppies).

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