Friday, August 1, 2008

Sabetha & cria watch

This is Sabetha. She is a true black alpaca. It is August in Wisconsin, and today it was 86 degrees. To make matters worse, she is 11 months pregnant. Do not be alarmed (yet); alpacas normal gestation period is 11 1/2 months. But still - she must be hot.

We have decided to take the plunge into alpaca breeding. Instead of wading into the kiddie pool, we dove into the deep end, without a life jacket. Oh well - it was a calculated risk.

Sabetha is a beautiful animal, and is bred to Clint, "AKA A Fistful of Dollars". This should be another gorgeous animal, and we can't wait to meet her...or him.

Check back in a few weeks for baby pictures! We'll also have an open house in September, if you want to meet the critters in person!

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