Friday, June 27, 2008


One of the tests the IRS uses to determine if we're a business (rather than a hobby) is the amount of time invested per year.  500 hours is the magic number.  I think we hit that by May 1.

In the past week, we've compiled all of the barn items needed for alpacas: feed, hay, medical supplies, birthing supplies, feed bins, water buckets, mats, etc.   My husband is also working on the fence.  I've been working on the books.   Trust me folks, this has gone far beyond a hobby.  A few months ago, I never knew there was a store called  the Tractor Supply Company (aka "TSC").   Now, I can tell you how to get to the closet store.   We've also become acquainted with our local camelid / equine nutritionist at the local co-op, and found a large-animal vet.  

However, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Tomorrow, we start putting up the fence fabric.   My husband put in the corner posts a few weeks ago, so we've got a little start.   Our orchard grass is sprouting nicely, is ready to be mowed.   Our alpacas should be here in the next week or two, so all of this effort will be rewarded.

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