Friday, July 11, 2008

The Alpacas Are Here!

Yes, it's true. All of our hard work over the past few months has paid off, and we have now (finally) taken delivery of the alpacas.

For now, the two boys and two girls will be sharing a pasture, but eventually, we will separate them. A few observations:

-If you have alpacas peeking out of a livestock trailer, people WILL inevitably ask about them. "Are those llamas"? No, they're alpacas. "Cool! I love Waupacas". Umm...okay....

-Alpacas are very curious, like cats. I think they like to watch us as much as we watch them. But, don't try to pet them, unless it was THEIR idea.

-Boys stick together (and so do girls). For a while today, I was having flashbacks to a junior high school dance. The boys were on one side of the pasture, the girls were on the other, and there was a whole lotta space separating them.

-Alpacas DO have a communal dung pile. Well, in our case, there are two communal piles. You guessed it: one for the boys, the other for the girls. I'd like to say there was a fancy ritual for picking the spot, but it seemed like it was the first place someone squatted. (Sorry. We're alpaca people now. Dung will now occupy a significant portion of our conscious thought.)

I know: all the posts have been about the critters lately. It is raspberry season, and the peaches are not far behind, so check back for updates on the fruitier end of our operation.