Sunday, July 13, 2008

To Spray or Not To Spray

I'm a gardener. Well, first and foremost, I LOVE to eat....and cook. It's so much fun to go out in the garden every day and see what's ripe and is ready for picking / canning / freezing / jam. Last week, we were eating mulberries and radishes. This week, it's raspberries and tomatoes.

People always ask if we're "going organic". I truthfully don't know how to answer that. My growing philosophy is simple: I don't plant anything that needs to be coddled. I plant it, water it, and say "good luck to you". I do occasionally weed, but that's about it.

I think we ingest enough nasty stuff already, through the air and water, so I don't put chemicals on my food. We've had decent luck with our fruit with that philosophy. Yes, our peaches were a little buggy last year, but we still had a plentiful yield. We also had significant hail damage with our apples this year, but no spray in the world will help that. The raspberries don't seem to mind at all.

However, our bottom line is derived from a much simpler place: my boys. They go out in the yard, pick something off the vine / tree / bush, and in the mouth it goes. They love to eat vegetables (even broccoli and asparagus) because they watch it grow (and probably helped along the way). I never want to lose that freedom.

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